#ecoo12 Nora Young Keynote
Nora Young’s Keynote Address, presented at the 2012 ECOO Conference, 8:30 am October 26th, 2012. (recording)
(@nora3000 on Twitter)
- Doug Peterson welcomes attendees to the Friday keynote
- Cyndie Jacobs (from OTF, talks about OTF Connects, online webinars) (at 3:35)
- Doug Sadler (RCAC Symposium, Dec. 6, in London, ON.) (at 4:50)
- Bill Mackenzie (ECOO) speaks about the Google Apps Ontario Summit (at 12:15)
- Nora Young (at 15:35)
Nora’s keynote is entitled, “Learning, Meaning, and Values in the Age of the Data Map” (keynote description)
The ECOO Conference Committee wishes to extend its thanks to the fine folks at ABEL (Advance Broadband Enhanced Learning) for capturing the stream and providing us with the recording of this event.