Invitation to Contribute: Computational Thinking and Coding in Ontario Classrooms!

The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) is embarking on a process to provide you, our membership, with increased support for integrating computational thinking (including coding/programming) into your curriculum. We realize that much has already been accomplished by individuals, school districts, the Ministry, and other partner organizations such as the federations and TeachOntario.

ECOO wants your input on what we might do as an organization to provide further assistance to you.

ECOO invites you to complete this survey which has two major components:

  1. What do you, and your colleagues, need to effectively integrate computational thinking into your curriculum for deeper learning for your students?
  2. What resources do you have, or know about, that you can share with your Ontario colleagues to meet that objective?


Peter Skillen, ECOO Director-At-large