New #ECOOcodes Resources

ECOO is pleased to share an updated collection of resources in support of Computational Thinking and Coding within Ontario schools. As well, a new #ECOOcodes menu has been added to the menu above.

Check out the following at the ECOOcodes page:

  • ECOO’s Role
  • Ministry of Education Position on Coding
  • What ECOO Has Heard from You – The Members
  • Curriculum Alignments
  • CT/Coding Resources

Embedded within the new page are links to two new survey items asking members to share their favourite curriculum and CT/coding resources, and

Also available is A Constructionist Approach to Computational Thinking, as well as resources shared earlier in the year related to Hour of Code.

Thanks to ECOO Director-At-Large Peter Skillen for his work in curating these resources for Ontario educators.