ECOO is pleased to announce the formation of a new special interest group (SIG) for Technology Enabled Learning Leadership (SIG-TELL). The group is open to ECOO members who are responsible for or involved in supporting Technology Enabled Learning and who are interested in meeting to discuss issues germane to educational leaders in Ontario school boards 

This ECOO initiative will be supported by Harry Niezen, who many of you will know through his long service to ECOO as BIT conference Co-Chair and ECOO Treasurer. Harry is also the former President of COCA, and the hope is that this group will fill the void that now exists since COCA and RCAC are no longer active.  

In its initial implementation, SIG-TELL will be supported by a Google Group/Mailing List. ECOO members interested in joining should indicate their interest below.  Not an ECOO member? ECOO membership for 2019-20 is free. 
