SPECIAL EVENT: Chey & Pav Keynote

Impact and Evolution: How Our Podcast Journey Changed Us as Teachers

Chey Cheney and Pav Wander are middle school teachers, authors (“The Magnificent Microphone”) and podcast and radio hosts (The Chey & Pav Show, The Drive! On VoicEd Radio) from Toronto, Ontario. In this keynote session, they aim to lead attendees through their podcast and content-creation journey over the past two years. Identifying always as teachers first, Chey and Pav have experienced growth in many areas of their personal and educational lives, including their awareness and engagement with Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy, the recognition that Social Emotional Needs are optimally met through teaching curriculum content, and that equitable Assessment practices are necessary for seeing success in students.

Join us for this special Saturday morning event, October 22 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am, with opening act Focus Sessions from Explorelearning and TVO Learn, and a number of EDUauthors book prizes plus a special grand prize provided by Dell Technologies awarded following the keynote.

Session Recording

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