Grades 5-8: The Fundamentals of Coding through Game Design
Logics Academy
4 Sessions: (Nov. 18, 25, Dec 2, 9) 4:00-5:00 pm (four consecutive Wednesdays)
Participants of ECOO Fall Support Series will learn how to use Scratch 3.0 as it provides an interactive environment to create and explore while building coding literacy in a block-based coding platform. Participants will create their own video games in many unique ways by completing coding challenges, tutorials and various starter projects as they build their coding skills. Participants will also provide coding instructions for potential users of their games. In between sessions, participants will have the opportunity to integrate what they’ve learned at the end of each session into their classrooms with their own students. Finally, participants may present their video games through a Virtual Showcase by sharing pre-recorded videos on Flipgrid and playing each other’s video games in a Scratch studio.