This is the week to try something new!
Being the Educational Computing Organization in Ontario means that this week is a really big deal to us!
It’s Computer Science Education Week, with events happening all week long to support you and your students to start looking at coding if you have never done so before or to challenge those of you who know their way around the blocks. 🙂
We’ve put 10 coding organizations that are geared towards Canadian educators all in one place so you can take your pick of what you want to try but the point is, try something.
Take a look at the Coding Platform tab in the Collected Resources on the website but also watch the Events page as well. SO many opportunities are out there for you to experience.
Just tonight, I ventured into a multi-player Minecraft world with Andy Forgrave and some other brave Ontario educators and although I couldn’t make my computer do what I wanted it to do without a mouse, the fact that I have dabbled with my students during this week in years past with events like Hour of Code meant that at least I could code my agent to do a task. THAT was an accomplishment.
Now it may be next year during Computer Science Education Week before I get a micro.bit coded to water my plant but I’ve taken a first step. Maybe you and your students will soar. You just won’t know until you try. This IS the week to try something new. Double tap that SPACE bar and see what happens.