Should Auld Acquaintance…. Be Renewed!
The ECOO Support Series is back and set up to provide tools to help Ontario educators navigate this world in which we now have to reach and teach our students.
The new Math Curriculum with the integration of Coding was our main focus for the Fall Support Series and will still be a major component of the Winter Support Series but January and February have traditionally been the months where educators prepare their students for oral communication and storytelling. With this in mind, our first workshop starts on January 12th with a focus on BookCreator with a splash of Chatterpix and PuppetEDU as online tools. On Feb. 22, these same apps will also be featured in a french workshop along with Adobe Spark Video.
Logics Academy is once more offering a four week series of workshops starting on January 12th that will help you with the fundamentals of coding through Storytelling for Gr. 1-4 and Game Design for Gr. 5-8 with free access to Dash’s Virtual Playground for a year! It’s a marvelous way to set your students up with a long term integrated coding and storytelling project.
All this just in the first week. 🙂
We’ll be highlighting more of the Series but for now, take a look at the site, become a member of ECOO and then register for free for any session you want.
We know you come for the PD and the community but we couldn’t resist getting more great sponsors again. Watch our social media but just between you and me, there may just be a laptop, Chromebook, Climate Change Kit, Dash robot, mBot, SMART Learning Suites, Day in Code book, a book set from Daphne McMenemy and CodeBreakerEDU, some online courses from Ditch That Textbook and a few more surprises coming your way.
Here’s to a New Year where we hear and find ways to support each other and get through this pandemic however we can. Reach out always. Listen to your body. Come play, learn and connect.
ECOO Support Series Committee