Educator Session
Move Beyond Average: Design to Reach Each Learner with Learner Variability
Lynn Thomas
The last couple of years have been challenging to say the least and one of the challenges will be addressing the learning needs of our students with the diverse experiences and abilities that students bring with them on a regular basis. Learner Variability describes the student who may be slower to decode but, when read to, comprehends at high levels, or one who does not do as well on their test due to anxiety caused by the prospect of being judged based on a stereotype. Or, perhaps they are identified as gifted but are bored because traditional methods of instruction do not engage their needs. Students are in danger of becoming marginalized when their learning variability is not considered. Learner variability is more important now than ever – learning sciences research is revealing how variability has an impact on more students than has been seen in the past and also which strategies show promise in addressing the needs of the full diversity of learners. This workshop will guide educators through the Learner Variability Navigator, Instructional Design Tool and Learner-Centred Design Tool by Digital Promise.