Physical Computing with Phidgets
Phidgets are interactive USB sensors that make physical computing easy. No soldering or breadboards required—students simply plug in a Phidgets sensor, code in their preferred language, and start creating. In this session, you will learn more about Phidgets and how you can use them to transform your coding class. Get your FREE introductory kit in […]
How To Use LYNX Coding In Your Classroom
Participants will learn where to begin with LYNX coding in their classroom. I will share about my journey using LYNX, the struggles and the successes. I will talk about different resources that they can access and share different strategies that helped my class and I to be the most successful. I will share some cross-curricular […]
Encouraging Student Creativity and Thinking with Minecraft
Minecraft is an engaging platform that can be used to explore many different program areas. In this session, we’ll look at how MakeCode and the Minecraft Codebuilder can be used to encourage student creativity and support thinking and problem solving via open-ended challenges. We’ll take a look at some of the standard entry points for […]
Inspiring Girls Through Code: Getting Started with Hackergal’s Hackathon Program
How can your girls have voice and choice when learning to code? Let’s tackle this together! Hackergal’s mission is to inspire girls to explore the possibilities in code. This session will provide strategies and tools to create a supportive environment for girls to learn to code as part of the National Hackergal Hackathon Program and […]
Minecraft and the Ontario Math Coding Curriculum
Learn how Minecraft: Education Edition can be used as a tool to help you meet coding standards in the Ontario Math curriculum. Explore the basics of Minecraft from how to place your first blocks to coding in blocks as well as Python. At the end of the session, participants will gain access to free Minecraft […]
Learn with Logics Academy
Join us for easy ways to teach coding in the new ON Math curriculum grades 1 – 8 Walk away with access to Class Connect, RoboGarden & python curriculum resources & training. Register here to join and also a chance to receive a free CyberPi. Session Recording The following content is available to ECOO members. […]
Introduction au Programme de Codage pour filles de Hackergal
La session d’introduction au programme de codage Hackergal pour filles en français a pour but d’informer les enseignants francophones et francophiles de l’Ontario sur les différentes activités et objectifs des programmes de Hackergal. Durant cette session, l’équipe bilingue de Hackergal parlera des avantages et des bienfaits du codage textuel, présentera le portail comprenant des cours […]
Discover AI: Algorithmic Art with Java Script
Get acquainted with simple JavaScript coding to explore the power of algorithms and AI, create interactive artwork, and incorporate digital art into any art classroom. This workshop includes: -Introduction to algorithmic art – Experiment with textual coding and JavaScript using the P5.js library -Familiarization with AI sound classification using the ML5.js library Session Slides and […]
Make an Arcade Control Box with Phidgets and a Pi!
With Phidgets, a bit of Python, and a Raspberry Pi, your students can start building custom controllers for their computers. It’s an easy introduction into the world of Human-Computer Interaction. How do you pass input from a physical button to a program? How do you send feedback visually to your users? This session will cover […]
Ontario Math & Coding Curriculum with Scratch (Grades 7-9)
Unpack the curriculum with a guided Scratch activity. In this workshop you will create a playable game in Scratch that fulfills each grade level outcome. KCJ advised on the new curriculum, so we know a fair bit about how to teach it! Includes the new Grade 9 curriculum outcomes. Session Slides and Session Recording The […]
micro:bit Pixel Editor Using MakeCode
In this workshop, we’ll build a pixel editor program for micro:bit that allows us to draw our own icons on the micro:bit screen. Using the block-based ‘makecode’ language, we’ll create a cursor that can be used to select pixels on the screen and turn them on or off. This project gives learners the opportunity to […]