How Mentorship Can Help you Reconnect, Reenergize and Renew
Mentorship can be an important source of professional learning, but it can also support a sense of well being and efficacy for educators at any and every stage of their profession. Our goal at The Mentoree is to support educators through various forms of mentorship. We provide our community with opportunities including 1:1 Mentorship where […]

Power of Connections: Cultivating Professional Learning Networks
A PLN is a mindset; it is not a one-shot connection. If managed well, these connections can help teachers and leaders innovate and improve student outcomes. Lifelong learning requires effort. Collaboration as a method of learning has been a fabric of education for years. However, PLNs were mostly limited to face-to-face interactions within school buildings, […]

Connecting K-8 Classes across Canada for Learning with AKGTC
Are you interested in helping your students learn WITH OTHERS and ABOUT OTHERS this year? A Kids’ Guide to Canada is offering new programs to help K-8 classes connect with others across the country. Come discover how you can participate in the intercultural “Canada Jay Project” and curriculum-based “Circles of Learning”, and how you can […]

Rediscover Your Voice: Improving our Teaching Practice Through Podcasting
Through this presentation, we would love to see educators to come away with the idea that their voices can be heard through many different mediums, including through podcasting. Podcasting, or other forms of voice amplification, can increase our teaching capacity by providing avenues for Reflection, as well as opportunities for improved Research and making Connections, […]

Creating an Online Culture and Community
Explore strategies and tools to build online community, promote engagement, and centre student voice in the classroom. Build on students’ interests to create a welcoming online environments that are culturally responsive and relevant for all students. Session Slides and Session Recording The following content is available to ECOO members. Please sign in. Loading…