Capturing SEL through Project Based Learning!
Students develop their executive functions through Project Based Learning. By capturing their metacognition of self-awareness and self-management through a variety of thinking tools, students are able to engage in their SEL. There will also be a guided discussion about how these tools might work with your students. Session Slides and Session Recording The following content […]

Finding More Happiness in Education
There is nothing more powerful than an educator that loves coming to school each day. Join this session to learn how to develop a more positive mindset and develop habits that will make you happier as an educator. Session Recording The following content is available to ECOO members. Please sign in. Loading…

Strum Into a New School Year
Join author Noa Daniel as she shares some fun ways to use her newest children’s book, Strum and The Wild Turkeys, to help promote community, social emotional learning and so much more. Strum is a peacock with an imperfect plume who finds his voice and his band through this powerful story that promotes being yourself […]

Build SEL Skills in Your Classroom with Book Creator
With all the upheaval over the past year, it’s more important than ever to make time for students to reflect on how they’re feeling and what’s going on with them. Join the Book Creator team in this interactive webinar and explore fun SEL activity and wellbeing books to support your students in creating a safe […]

Visual Art Based FLOW–A Virtual Drop-In Wellness Program for Students
Let’s explore how the practice of Mihaly Csikszentmihaly’s Flow is beneficial to student well-being and SEL. Join arts educator, Timea Szoboszlai, as she shares her experience with visual art based Flow programming that has been adapted for an online format and audience. Best practices, set-up considerations and aggregated data will be shared with participants. Workshop […]

Learner Variability
We are heading into a year that will no doubt include challenges including learning gaps and social emotional needs in addition to the already diverse experiences and abilities that students bring with them on a regular basis, or what is referred to as learner variability. Learner variability is more important now than ever – learning […]

The 3 A’s of Math and Social Emotional Learning
The learning goal for this presentation is to inform teachers on how we can embed SEL practice in our math curriculum. This is done by immersing ourselves in the power of stories and ensuring that all students are being seen and reflected in math programming. We want to ensure that we are decolonizing our teaching […]